Fall Tree Care

With the concentrated effort on water conservation, lots of people forget to water their trees and the drought of the late summer months can be particularly difficult. Enter Autumn’s initial rains, wind storms and first freezes and all of a sudden home owners and gardeners have a recipe for severe tree trouble. In fall, trees go dormant and deciduous trees shed their leaves. This indicates that active root development ends, even though trees will continue to absorb water and nutrients.

Here are some Fall Tree Care Tips (article number one):

If a tree is displaying brown or any indicators of drought, give the tree a huge drink of water. Most trees possess a deep enough root system that they do not need watering. Nevertheless, many patio trees or trees suitable for planting in your yard might need water. If indicators of drought have already been a continuing issue, you may want to add mulch at the base from the tree to help retain water within the soil. Do not dig around the roots of a tree simply because you might destroy them. With out sufficient root development tree owner’s may discover their tree blown over in the first hard.

If a tree that’s planted in a place likely to trigger difficulty, fall is a great time to dig them up and move them, assuming they’re small enough. Troublesome locations consist of: next to foundations or paths, next to fences or inside a place where it will fall on your roof. If a homeowner plants a brand new tree, they ought to make sure that the soil and height specifications for the tree are met by the chosen location and stake it nicely utilizing expandable tapes. Unless the tree planted is capable of withstanding freezes, property owners may wish to wait until spring to plant it.

If a tree is planted next to a home’s foundation, grows too tall or too big of a root ball, property owners ought to seriously think about removing the tree. Cut it down with a chain saw, piece by piece if small enough, or employ a tree service to cut it down if it’s a large tree. Then remove the root by hiring a service. To make it clean, grind the stump.
If a tree is several years old, you might trim the tree to make it easier to walk past it on a sidewalk or path. Arborvitae can be sheared to fit your space requirements, but be sure to leave green growth. If an evergreen tree produces a second trunk, eliminate the newest trunk, otherwise most do not require pruning. If a tree is small enough that you could deal with it safely with out help, prune to open up the crown, eliminate the upper limb of a too narrow crotch, remove or tie up the limb that is too wide. Also eliminate any dead or weak wood.