
In the next several blogs we will be discussing how mulching can help a tree grow or slowly kill it. Here are more problems with too much mulching:

Inner Bark Tissue Death

The above-ground stem tissue of most trees, shrubs, and perennials is different from roots and should be in a position to freely exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Mulch that’s piled onto trunks and stems decreases gas exchange, with inner bark tissue ultimately dying. When the inner bark dies, roots no longer receive the energy created by leaves through the procedure of photosynthesis, and also the plant dies.

Canker Illnesses

Another factor that is related with the using mulch next to stem tissue involves fungal and bacterial illnesses. Most plant illnesses need moisture to develop and reproduce, and these lethal trunk illnesses are no exception. They gain entry in to the stressed, decaying bark tissue and as soon as established, the cankers will ultimately encircle the tree, killing the inner bark, starving the roots, and in the end killing the plant.

Excessive Heat

Thick mulch layers which are placed against stems will start to decay and can produce excessive heat. Comparable to composting, where inner layers might reach 120-140o F, the heat might directly kill young trees and shrubs or might stop the natural fall “hardening” procedure that plants must undergo to prepare for winter. If root flare tissue doesn’t adequately harden prior to freezing weather, the tissue will die, the roots will starve, and the plant will go into decline.