Signs of a Sick Tree

tree identification

When to Hire a Tree Cutting Service

Your trees offer shade, beauty and character for your house and yard. The last thing you want is to have to hire a tree cutting service to cut down a treasured tree that does not need to be removed. But a sick tree may be a danger to both your home as well as your loved ones.

In the event you suspect that one of your trees is sick or damaged, before calling a tree cutting service, examine to see if it displays any of the following signs of a tree in trouble:

• Mushroom-type fungi growing at the base of the tree
• Sawdust along the trunk base or root zone
• Cracks within the trunk or significant limbs
• Hollow or decayed areas
• Wilted or discolored leaves
• Insect harm
• Dead branches
• Man-made wounds from improper tree pruning or lawn mower damage

When you have a sick tree and want it removed, call a reputable insured tree cutting service like Bob Ray Co., Inc. A tree Care company  offering custom removal services that match your requirements and budget can be difficult to find but we have been serving the Louisville area for over 50 years.

If you adore your sick tree and wish to know if it could be saved, we can still help. We have certified arborists who have the knowledge and experience to figure out if your tree can be nursed back to health, or if it has to go.

Even when the tree can be saved, it is essential to prune dead, diseased or damaged branches promptly. Diseased branches can cause additional issues with the tree, a large falling branch may cause considerable harm by itself.